Forum civil society 2024

Marilles Foundation - Collaborators







The Balearic Islands are at a turning point. It can either go back to business as usual - with the social and environmental impacts and economic vulnerability that this entails - or it can recognise that as islands there is a physical limitation to be taken into account if we want to reconcile environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. 

The Fòrum de la Societat Civil per a la reconstrucció de les Illes Balears (Civil Society Forum for the reconstruction of the Balearic Islands) is made up of some twenty organisations of diverse scope that share a common goal: to emerge from the crisis by moving towards a fairer, more sustainable economic model with high levels of well-being for all its citizens. Marilles has been part of the forum since its constitution and participates in the working group on blue economy.

Civil society comprises a very diverse set of entities that works every day to improve our island. These entities of all sizes, local and global, seek solutions to our problems, large and small. They are non-profit organisations of committed men and women who hold Mallorca in high esteem. This feeling and commitment bind us to the entities that form part of the Civil Society Forum.

Marilles Foundation
La sociedad civil es un conjunto muy diverso de entidades que hacen trabajo cada día para mejorar nuestra isla. Entidades grandes y pequeñas, locales y globales, buscan soluciones en pequeños y grandes problemas que tenemos. Son entidades no lucrativas que se fundamentan en el compromiso de hombres y mujeres que estimamos Mallorca. Este sentimiento y compromiso es el que nos une a las entidades que formamos parte del Foro de la Sociedad Civil. President of the Mediterranean Initiatives Foundation

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