
Marilles leads SARKO, a pioneering project for the conservation of sharks and rays in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea

Published 04.02.2025


Marilles leads SARKO, a pioneering project for the conservation of sharks and rays in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea

Marilles Foundation, in collaboration with the Shark Conservation Fund (SCF), has launched the SARKO project to improve the conservation status of shark and ray populations in the Spanish Mediterranean. This 3-year initiative has a budget of €600,000 . The project aims to establish a solid scientific basis and collaborate with key players, such as fishers, to ensure the survival of these at-risk organisms. 

Presentation of the project at the CCEM of Oropesa del Mar 

Fundación Azul Marino hosted the presentation of the SARKO project at its headquarters, starting with an informative activity for all audiences in Oropesa de Mar (Castellón). Some of the leading experts in these species in the Mediterranean explained their conservation projects and participated in a roundtable moderated by the oceanographer and science communicator Gádor Muntaner. Aniol Esteban, director of Marilles, and Pablo Garcia-Salinas, director of Azul Marino, presented the project and led two hours of conversation with the participation of elasmobranch experts such as Biel Morey (Save the Med), Alex Bartolí (Submon), Claudio Barría (ICM-CSIC, Catshark, and Observadores del Mar), Jaime Penadés (Fundación Azul Marino, LAMNA), and Marta Muñoz (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Fundación Oceanografic). See the complete programme at this link . The event was part of a working day from which a calendar of actions for the project will be established. 

SARKO project objectives 

The project has three objectives: 

  1. Have some important areas for rays and sharks (ISRAs) declared marine protected areas (MPAs).  
  2. Include measures for the release of sharks and rays by fishers in fisheries management plans and Natura 2000 management plans. 
  3. Include new species in the list of nationally protected species (LESPRE), when scientific data recommends.  

With the support of a Research Advisory Group made up of experts in the Mediterranean, SARKO will focus on compiling scientific data on the conservation status of sharks and rays, producing reports that provide essential information for decision-making. In addition, it will work with regional and national policymakers to transform this data into effective management measures. 

The Balearic Islands example 

SARKO wants to complement and add value to the Strategy for the Conservation of Sharks and Rays that the Balearic Islands government is implementing. A fluid dialogue with the administration is foreseen along with close collaboration with professional and recreational fishers of the Balearic Islands who play a key role in the conservation of these species. In addition, Marilles Foundation will participate in the management processes of MPAs and fisheries, proposing and working on non-retention measures and the designation of highly protected areas. 

Aniol Esteban: "A well-preserved sea is a sea with sharks and rays in a good state of conservation. Unfortunately these species have suffered a strong recession in the Mediterranean, and both the Balearic Islands and the Spanish coast are no exception. With this project we want to reverse this trend. To make this possible we need the collaboration of recreational and professional fishers and a solid political commitment and firm funding from the administration. In addition to the economic contribution provided by our foundation, if we want to guarantee the recovery of these species in the Mediterranean, we will need additional public and private funding."