
Presentation of the Blue Manifesto at the European Parliament

Published 01.10.2024


Presentation of the Blue Manifesto at the European Parliament

Photo: Toni Menor.

Marilles is part of this roadmap for a healthy ocean by 2030.

On 1 October 2024, the Blue Manifesto: Roadmap for a healthy ocean 2030 was presented to the European Parliament.

This comprehensive document details the measures to be taken at EU level to ensure thriving coastal and marine ecosystems, crucial for a future resilient to climate change. Marilles Foundation, along with more than 100 other organisations, is part of the Blue Manifesto, a rescue plan led by BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, Oceana, Seas At Risk, Surfrider Foundation Europe, and WWF that designs specific actions to protect our oceans and coasts between now and 2030.

The presentation of the manifesto to the European Parliament was a unique opportunity to influence EU ocean policies in the new legislative period. The Blue Manifesto pushes for an ambitious ocean pact, putting the seas and oceans at the heart of European decision-making. The event brought together newly elected MEPs, policymakers, and ocean advocates to discuss the key actions that European legislators should pursue under the new EU mandate.


  • Blue Manifesto