End illegal fishing in the Balearic Islands
Fishing provides a vital source of food, work, leisure, trade and economic well-being in our islands.
However, the efforts of many to sustainably manage the fish and marine resources of the Balearic Sea are threatened by illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities.
The Balearic Islands have advanced legislation to regulate the fishing, marketing and sale of fish. Even so, illegal fishing is still a reality and the infringements of a minority put the work of many at risk.
It is time to tackle this problem. A few months ago, we launched and led a project to assess the extent of the problem and identify the most effective solutions to tackle it. We have carried out a diagnosis and we have talked to all the sectors involved, which are both the source of the problem and the key to the solution.
On 16 December, we have organised a conference open to the public to put on the table a problem that affects us all and to address specific actions for the illegal fishing and marketing of marine resources in the Balearic Islands. We will be attended by representatives of professional, recreational and underwater fishing; public administration and inspection; and the catering sector.
We recommend prior registration at https://bit.ly/3CRT0eQ
This project is supported by Blue Marine and Mallorca Preservation Foundation and is developed in collaboration with Ibiza Preservation and Menorca Preservation Foundation.
Marilles in the media
- 28/10/2024 Tarragona Ràdio: "Aniol Esteban: “Hem pogut observar com s’han tirat 10.000 euros de tonyina a la mar”"
- 24/07/2024 Ultima Hora: "Otros 13 atunes capturados en estado de descomposición en aguas de Mallorca"
- 25/06/2024 Radio Exterior: "Las malas prácticas de los atuneros en Balears: Entrevista a Antoni Font"