Marine reserves of fishing interest are mainly created to regenerate fishing resources. Aside from the commercial element, they also contribute positively to the conservation of habitats and species. We have reviewed the impact of marine reserves in the Balearics by analising the quantity and diversity of fish that are vulnerable to fishing. The data has been provided by Dirección General de Pesca y Medio Marino (TRAGSATEC), the Socio-environmental Observatory in Menorca (OBSAM) and the Jaume Ferrer Research Station (COB-IEO). Although some of these marine reserves have been protected for twenty years, they’re mostly still below their regeneration potential.
Marine reserves are one of the seven types of marine protected areas that we have within the Balearic Sea. If you’re interested in finding out more about the state of our sea, check the Informe Mar Balear 2020 report for more detailed information.