Related project
Marine areas that protect biodiversity
The marine Natura 2000 sites designated around of the Balearic Islands include areas of importance for the protection of species such as dolphins, sea turtles or the Balearic shearwater; and vulnerable habitats such as maërl and seagrass meadows of posidonia. The areas have been designated, but to meet their objectives require a management plan.
Natura 2000 is a European ecological network of biodiversity conservation areas. It consists of Special Conservation Zones (ZECs), established in accordance with the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), and Special Protection Areas for Birds (SPA), designated under the Birds Directive (2009/147/EC). Natura 2000 is the world's largest network of protected areas aimed at ensuring the long-term survival of species and types of habitats of priority interest in Europe, helping to halt biodiversity loss. The Red Natura 2000 is the main instrument for nature conservation in the European Union.
Since 2013, the GEN-GOB has led the project "The Sea, a Shared Responsibility", whose main objective is to improve marine governance in Pitiusas by getting key agents - fishermen, diving centres, nautical sector, NGOs and administrations - to work together on the conservation and management of the marine environment. The project organizes participatory processes focused on specific marine areas around Ibiza and Formentera. GEN-GOB’s work has facilitated the incorporation of the different actors to input into the management plans of the Red Natura 2000. This constructive dialogue with local agents has helped in the declaration of new marine reserves and the adoption of measures to improve the state of Posidonia oceanica meadows.
We renew our partnership with the GEN-GOB
From 2018 the Marilles Foundation supports GEN-GOB to build consensus to reduce impacts and improve the environmental state of sea ecosystems. Thanks to this help, GEN-GOB has consolidated a network of collaborators with which it works to improve marine governance in Pitiusas.
To Marià Marí, Coordinator of GEN-GOB’s Marine Area:“Marilles’ support for
the GEN-GOB marine programme is proving decisive in keeping up the momentum needed to accelerate conservation in the short, mediumand long term.“
This 2020 we have renewed our support for the GEN-GOB, contributing 100,000 euros for the next two years.
This new phase of the project, will put emphasis on the implementation of measures and agreements that emerged from the participatory workshops carried out in the past years. These include improving governance in Red Natura 2000 areas, addressing the problem of underwater noise in Es Freus marine reserve and enhancing the role of the fishing sector as a guarantee of food sovereignty and custodian of marine biodiversity.
GEN-GOB’s project contributes directly to Marilles' strategic priorities: improving marine protected areas, reducing impacts on marine and coastal habitats, and bringing people closer to the sea.