Environmental Congress

Marilles Foundation - Collaborators



2018 - 2019




The Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears (SHNB) is a cultural organisation founded in 1954 with a view to promoting knowledge and awareness of nature from different standpoints, participating actively in conservationist movements in the islands and promoting the creation of the Nature Museum of the Balearic Islands.

In November 2018, it organised the seventh edition of the Environmental Congress of the Balearic Islands, held every four years and which attracts investigators from all the islands, who submit their latest work and studies about numerous aspects of the Balearic natural environment. The Fundación Marilles’ funding made it possible to meet the costs of organising the Congresses held in Majorca, Ibiza and Minorca. The different Congresses had excellent turnouts. The book of proceedings contains more than 146 papers and communications from 340 authors.


"The 7th Conference on the Balearic Islands’ Environment brings the research closer to the public. It is science open to everyone. The presentations focusedmore than ever upon the sea, since so many of themwere about marine matters."

Marilles Foundation
Guillem X. Pons SHNB’s Director of Publications