Second chance

Marilles Foundation - Collaborators







Fundación Palma Aquarium (Palma Aquarium Foundation for the Protection of the Environment) is dedicated to environmental education, conservation and scientific investigation. One of its aims is to educate children so that they are aware of the main threats faced by marine ecology today and feel empowered to get involved. Marilles’ funding has supported two exhibitions and the publication of a book about the recovery of marine turtles. One exhibition will be on permanent display at Palma Aquarium, while the other is designed to tour and is available to organisations offering relevant activities, such as nautical clubs, ports or festivals.

"The Second Chances Project has enabled us to witness the rescue and recovery of damaged and sick marine turtles, and their reintroduction to their natural environment. It’s a very complex project, which often goes unnoticed."

Marilles Foundation
Deborah Morrison Director of Palma Aquarium