A new participatory governance project kicks off at the Illa de l'Aire marine reserve
Published 21.11.2024
Marilles Foundation, together with Menorca Preservation and with the support of the Leader Illa de Menorca Association, has launched a social and participatory governance project on the Illa de l'Aire marine reserve. This project will build a platform to weave networks of participation, dialogue, conflict resolution, and decision-making to ensure the effective management of the marine reserve.
After completing a first consultancy phase and elaborating an action plan, a second phase is now being implemented, focused on the following:
- Ensuring participation and cooperation between the different actors involved in the initiative, such as fishers, public administrations, environmental organisations, the tourism sector, and residents.
- Coordinating the efforts of monitoring, education, communication, and dissemination of the benefits and values of the marine reserve.
- Holding the first participatory forum at the beginning of 2025.
The Governance Strategy on which the project is based includes 50 actions divided into 4 axes: holistic knowledge for effective management; community and governance; outreach, education, and communication; and leadership, coordination, and networking.
Aina Blanco-Magadán, a marine biologist, will be responsible for coordinating, developing, and executing the implementation of these actions.
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