
We call on the Spanish government to take action to reduce ship steikes with cetaceans

Published 16.07.2024


We call on the Spanish government to take action to reduce ship steikes with cetaceans

Collisions with ships are the main cause of human-induced death for the two species of large whales present in the Mediterranean: the sperm whale and the fin whale. This is why ten environmental organisations, including MarillesFoundation, organised the conference, The role of ship speed reduction in the protection of large whales in the Mediterranean Cetacean Migration Corridor. The event was held at the headquarters of the Biodiversity Foundation and was attended by our colleague Pablo R. Ros.

The conference discussed the need to include speed reduction measures in the Management Plan for the Cetacean Migration Corridor, currently in the process of being drawn up. This would reduce the risk of collisions with cetaceans and would also help to reduce underwater noise.



The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, various marine conservation organisations, and representatives of shipping companies. Marilles Foundation and these nine NGOs participated in both the organisation of the conference and the request for a speed reduction:

Las jornadas contaron con la participación de representantes del Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico; de diferentes organizaciones dedicadas a la conservación marina y de empresas navieras. Tanto su organización como la petición de reducción de la velocidad cuentan con la implicación de la Fundación Marilles y de estas nueve organizaciones: Alnitak, ClientEarth, Ecologistas en Acción, Greenpeace España, Gob Mallorca, Save the Med Foundation, Oceana in Europe, OceanCareWWF.  

Puedes recuperar las jornadas completas aquí. 

Alnitak, ClientEarth, Ecologistas en Acción, Greenpeace España, Gob Mallorca, Save the Med Foundation, Oceana in Europe, OceanCare, and WWF.