Economic value Marine Reserve of Llevant

Marilles Foundation - Collaborators







Alongside the Centro Balear de Biología Aplicada and ECOACSA, we are evaluating the contribution of Llevant – a marine reserve of fishing interest in Mallorca – to the local and area economy, through traditional fishing activities and leisure pursuits related to the marine and coastal environments. 

Our aim is to calculate what benefits the marine environment contributes, and what others could be obtained if we improved its state of conservation. This is one of the first studies of its kind to be carried out in Spain, and its methodology and results will be replicated in other Mediterranean reserves.

In 2021 the study revealed that for every euro invested annually in the MPA of Llevant generates 10 euros of benefit. A Methodological Guide was published alongside the study to facilitate the application of natural capital accounting to other MPAs.

“Natural capital accounting is a useful tool, both for convincing sceptics of the benefits of protection and sustainable management and for incorporating biodiversity in economic and political decision-taking, guaranteeing that the natural capital will continue to offer ecosystemic services to society.”

Marilles Foundation
Benjamí Reviriego Coordinator of data collection for Natural Capital Accounting of the Llevant Marine Reserve