Webinars for MPA professionals

Marilles Foundation - Collaborators



2021 - 2022




MPAs in Spain have increased significantly in recent years, reaching more than 10% of the marine area. The Network of Spanish Marine Protected Areas (RAMPE) works to improve coherence and efficiency in the management of this heterogeneous set of MPAs, for which its Master Plan will be a fundamental element.

To advance in this direction, Marilles Foundation, together with Europarc, has organised a series of four webinars under the Interreg MPA Networks project to promote networking among MPA managers, so that they can share experiences and develop technical debates on the  challenges for the future of natural protected areas.

The the four webinars will cover monitoring, financing, public use, and management effectiveness.

Webinars for marine protected area (MPA) professionals  encourage contact between MPA practitioners and facilitate discussions and the exchange of concrete experiences.

Marilles Foundation
Marta Múgica de la Guerra Director EUROPARC-Spain and Fernando González Bernáldez Foundation