
Eugenia Cusí, president RBC Mallorca

Published 06.06.2022


Eugenia Cusí, president RBC Mallorca

Eugenia Cusí is president of RBC Mallorca, an association linked to the Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises of Mallorca (PIMEM),which brings together restaurants, bars, and cafés in Mallorca, and promotes their interests through proactive collaboration and inter-sectoral synergies. We spoke to her about illegal fishing in the Balearics.

What role do you think the catering sector should play in putting an end to illegal fishing?

Since RBC Mallorca was born, one of our strategic pillars has been compliance with the law. We promote that, as a sector, we all comply with the law, and we also demand that public administrations comply, too, although this is not always the case. Too often, if a few people do not do it right, it ends up harming the whole collective. We also want to understand why some people do not comply because perhaps there is some kind of inefficiency that needs to be addressed. This work has to be a joint effort between the private and public sectors; one party alone rarely has the solution.

What can restaurants do to ensure that the fish they serve is sustainable?

We understand that sustainability has to be integral, not only from a biological or environmental perspective but also from an economic and social perspective. What some of the illegal practices highlighted by the study presented by Marilles in December 2021 show is that the marine, economic, and administrative realities are misaligned and that an integrated view of these three areas is needed. For example, bringing fish from Soller to the Palma fish market may be economically inefficient and environmentally unsustainable. Perhaps new technologies could help us by creating digital fish markets in certain ports that would allow the control of catches, traceability, lower costs, etc. But to get there, all interested parties have to sit down at the same table. This is what we promote at RBC Mallorca, being a proactive agent to improve the sector and its social impact.

Tell us about the Mallorca Local Fishing Action Group and what you expect from its constitution.

The Local Fishing Action Group (GALP) is the first step in this coordinated and joint action between different actors in the fishing world. The willingness to work together is in itself a very important declaration of intent and a first example that I hope will show that collaboration between the private sector and public administrations is possible; it can be constructive and produce good results for all parties. We already have examples of experienced FLAGs that can be good models for us to follow, such as Costa Brava. It will be important to learn from what has already been done by those who are ahead of us, and that here we can generate dynamism and bring added value to all those involved. Our island is a major tourist destination and we cannot forget the visibility that this fact gives to everything that happens in Mallorca.

Quick quiz for sea lovers

A book: Félix, un hombre en la tierra, by Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente.

An image that reminds you of the Balearic Islands: The turquoise sea of Cap Salines.

A marine species: The dolphin.

A person or organisation of reference: All those who leave their piece of the planet better than they found it.

A beach: The rocks of Bendinat.

A phrase that defines you: "Being authentic is a revolutionary act" (Borja Vilaseca).

Optimistic, realistic or pessimistic? I never lose hope.