Eradicating illegal fishing

Marilles Foundation - Collaborators



2020 - 2022




Illegal fishing and the fraudulent commercialisation of fish threaten every effort in marine conservation. Poachers fish in marine reserves, professional and recreational fishers don’t observe the rules and regulations, and restaurants and customers buy illegal fish.

The Balearics have a set of advanced rules to regulate fishing and the commercialisation and sale of fish. Despite this, illegal fishing is still a reality and the wrongdoings of a few can put the work of many at risk. Alongside the Mallorca Preservation Fund and the Blue Marine Foundation, Marilles has launched a project to better understand the issue and find the most efficient solutions to address it.

Illegal fishing and the illegal sale of fishery products represents a haemorrhage of money and jobs for our economy that must be stopped urgently. It is a problem that undermines the professional and recreational fishing sector; it damages recreational opportunities for divers and seabathers and the economic activity associated with them; and it destroys the image of a region that wants to be a model of sustainability.

Marilles Foundation
Aniol Esteban Director of Marilles Foundation