
Monitoring of marine protected areas

Published 10.09.2021


Monitoring of marine protected areas

Marine Protected Areas Webinar

The marine protected area in Spain has grown in recent years and now exceeds 10% of the marine area, but is still far from the minimum target of 30% by 2030. The Master Plan for the Network of Spanish Marine Areas (RAMPE) - currently under development - aims to improve coherence and efficiency in the management of this heterogeneous set of marine protected areas.

To advance in this direction, the Marilles Foundation together with Europarc has organised a series of seminars in the context of the Interreg - MPA networks project, with the aim of promoting networking among managers of marine protected areas, including both those that are already part of the RAMPE and those that potentially meet the criteria for incorporation.

The first webinar in a series organised by EUROPARC-Spain was devoted to one of the aspects most directly related to the effectiveness of marine protected areas: the capacity to establish effective monitoring and enforcement mechanisms.

Available presentations

Supporting documentation (documents and websites shared in the chat)

Webinar held in the framework of the project