Two hands school programme

Marilles Foundation - Collaborators



2018 - 2019




The Save The Med Foundation works to promote the regeneration of the Mediterranean Sea’s biodiversity in harmony with an environmentally-aware and proactive local population.

In the course of the 2018-2019 school year, and thanks to the funding put up by the Fundación Marilles, the Foundation was able to hire a full-time employee for the development, dissemination, implementation and evaluation of the “Dos Manos” [Two Hands] programme (dealing with plastic contamination of the sea) in 39 schools in Majorca, involving the participation of more than 2,785 pupils.

After completing the school programme, about 100 pupils took part in the “Drivers of change” competition, developing and implementing projects to reduce plastic contamination. The winning team was rewarded with a one-week stay aboard the Toftevaag marine research vessel. The pupils will help the marine investigators to study cetaceans and plastics in the Balearic ocean. Programmes designed to empower the school community to protect the sea after the academic year have also been rolled out.


"It’s not about asking the next generation to solve the mess we’ve created. It’s about changing habits and taking a community-based approach founded upon shared responsibility."

Marilles Foundation
Mari Gutic Head of Education and Outreach, Save the Med